Systematic analysis of alternative splicing in time course data using Spycone

Motivation: During disease progression or organism development, alternative splicing may lead to isoform switches that demonstrate similar temporal patterns and reflect the alternative splicing co-regulation of such genes. Tools for dynamic process …

Florigen and its homologs of FT/CETS/PEBP/RKIP/YbhB family may be the enzymes of small molecule metabolism: review of the evidence

Background: Flowering signals are sensed in plant leaves and transmitted to the shoot apical meristems, where the formation of flowers is initiated. Searches for a diffusible hormone-like signaling entity ('florigen') went on for many decades, until …

Functional enrichment of alternative splicing events with NEASE reveals insights into tissue identity and diseases

Alternative splicing (AS) is an important aspect of gene regulation. Nevertheless, its role in molecular processes and pathobiology is far from understood. A roadblock is that tools for the functional analysis of AS-set events are lacking. To …

ASimulatoR: splice-aware RNA-Seq data simulation

A plethora of tools exist for RNA-Seq data analysis with a focus on alternative splicing (AS). However, appropriate data for their comparative evaluation is missing. The R package ASimulatoR simulates gold standard RNA-Seq datasets with fine-grained …

DIGGER: exploring the functional role of alternative splicing in protein interactions

Alternative splicing plays a major role in regulating the functional repertoire of the proteome. However, isoform-specific effects to protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are usually overlooked, making it impossible to judge the functional role of …